
Ghosts by Carolyn Watson Dubisch & Mike Dubisch #excerpt #yafantasy #youngadult #graphicnovel #giveaway #rabtbooktours @CarolynWDubisch @RABTBookTours

The People That Melt in the Rain #2


Graphic novels-YA Fantasy

Date Published: 05-23-2024

Publisher: Abigail Books


Laura has only just come to terms with moving to the strange town of Deluge, when she is mysteriously transported into a painting that is displayed in the school library.  Shocked by her sudden relocation she
realizes she’s been brought back home to Seattle, Washington, but it isn’t the Seattle she left behind. Has she also stepped backwards in time?


About the Author

Mike and Carolyn began collaborating artistically at the School Of Visual Arts in New York City.  They married soon after graduating and began working together. Their first major project was designing rides on the Turn of the Century Carousel that was displayed in Grand Central Station in New
York, The LA Auto Show in California, also in Washington DC and New Orleans.  Their comic book adaptation of the Japanese fable Urishima Taro, initially created for a fundraiser for the tsunami victims in Japan, was licensed by FOX in 2013.

Mike is well known for his fantasy art and comics, including art for Star Wars, Dungeons & Dragons, and Aliens VS Predator. Carolyn is a multiple award winning author and illustrator of numerous children’s books, working with multiple publishers and authors, and has appeared in Highlights For Children magazine. Their most ambitious project, the all-ages graphic novel series The People That Melt In The Rain, is the product of over ten years of development.

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The Storm Breaks by Valerie Storm #coverreveal #bookcover #youngadult #yafantasy #comingsoon #rabtbooktours @Valerie_Storm @RABTBookTours

Demon Storm, Book 6

Young Adult Fantasy

Date Published: 07-13-2024

Publisher: Shadow Spark Publishing



Wolf and demon born…

…under storm the land is torn.

Tendrils of darkness reach from the depths of her mind and shadows flicker around every corner. Still reeling from Raven’s horrific display of power, Kari suffers in silence.

When Guine finally returns with stories of a mirror that could help him with his problems, Kari finds herself hoping that maybe, just maybe, it could help with hers as well.

With the promise of a relatively straightforward outing, Kari, Ari, and Guine set forth to find the mirror.

But what they find beyond the looking-glass threatens not only Kari and her sanity, but also the world she loves.

About the Author

Valerie Storm was raised in Tucson, Arizona. Growing up, she fell in love with everything fantasy. When she wasn’t playing video games, she was writing. By age ten, she began to write her own stories as a way to escape reality. When these stories became a full-length series, she considered the path to sharing with other children & children-at/heart looking for a
place to call home.


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The Torch: Rising Darkness by Bertrand Coruscare #youngadult #scifi #fantasy #rabtbooktours @b_coruscare @RABTBookTours

Young Adult – Sci-Fi / Fantasy

Date Published: September 18, 2022



“He wanted more power, and more control. When I was with him, that seemed to be his main goal.”

“What other power was there?”

“Oh, more than you could ever know.”



About the Author

Bertrand Coruscare’s first novel, Rising Darkness, is the beginning of the epic “The Torch series.” Lover of the mysterious, the heroic, and the refined, he fills his days with dark stories, warm drinks, and a touch of sarcasm.

Bertrand resides in the Pacific Northwest, where he is pursuing a degree in English. He often wanders the ancient forests of imagination, guided by ambition, that azure flame.


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Storm’s Convergence by Valerie Storm #releaseday #giveaway #youngadult #yafantasy #fantasy #rabtbooktours @Valerie_Storm @RABTBookTours

 Demon Storm, Book 5


Young Adult Fantasy

Date Published: 02-13-2024

Publisher: Shadow Spark Publishing




The calm can only last so long.

Now a member of Freehaven’s Council, Kari tries to put her past behind her and settle down in her new home with her ever-present Lord and love, Ari.

Cracks in her mind, parting gifts from the heart eater, make planning the upcoming Spring Festival a struggle, but Kari is determined to do her best, even after Guine departs the town.

When a mysterious child appears at the festival and marks Kari, all semblance of normalcy is banished.

A triple threat from her past awaits beyond the walls of Freehaven and options are thin. Not willing to spill any more blood, Kari takes it upon herself to stop them—with Ari by her side.

About the Author

Valerie Storm was raised in Tucson, Arizona. Growing up, she fell in love with everything fantasy. When she wasn’t playing video games, she was writing. By age ten, she began to write her own stories as a way to escape reality. When these stories became a full-length series, she considered the path to sharing with other children & children-at/heart looking for a place to call home.


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The Savior of Norfolk by Nathan J. Edmundson #blogtour #excerpt #christian #youngadult #yafantasy @saviorofnorfolk @RABTBookTours

Christian Young Adult Fantasy

Date Published: November 2023



A vanishing boy, human-animal hybrids, and the grisly murder of one’s peers are a lot to handle. Existing in two worlds, being hunted by your town’s killer, and nearly dying every day doesn’t make it any easier. For 15-year-old Stephen Benson, all of this has become normal, managing one life as a town outcast and another as a fantasy land hero. Hopeless and depressed, will he overcome his inner demons and the outer evil hounding his spirit? Will he listen to the child-penguin fairy? Will he save the girl he loves and prevent the slaughter of more teens?

The Savior of Norfolk is set in the not-too-distant future when America has been divided by political and ideological hate. It is a fresh take on understanding the purpose of existence and suffering and wrestles with a spiritual understanding of reality.

I decided I would die in the next three days.

It seemed we were in the final months before America’s next civil war, or the peaceful divorce as many hoped. Violent clashes between the political parties had escalated to a degree not seen in the country since 1865. Norfolk had remained at peace, not succumbing to the rest of America’s destruction by political hate. However, there were now rumblings, and the signs were becoming impossible to ignore.

Even so, we tried.

Casey lift ed the amber-filled Jack Daniel’s bottle to his lips and took a sip. Neither of us had said anything for the last minute as we sat on the dirt, our backs resting against the red brick of George’s Grocery. At the rear of the store, we were safe from the eyes of others. Norfolk’s moral standards had definitely decreased over the years, but it hadn’t yet become acceptable for two fifteen-year-olds to skip school to get drunk.

“Man, I love alcohol,” Casey said with eyes closed and a half-smile as he lowered the bottle to his lap. “What a great way to escape.”

Escape. That was what I wanted, and that was what I would get – before the end of the weekend. Escape from political BS, escape from social unrest, escape from the meaninglessness of existence. For much of my life, I had wanted to die, but over the last few weeks the desire had been stronger than ever before, and there was no indication of it lessening.

“Imagine how much life would suck if we didn’t have booze,” Casey said, turning his face toward me. “Seriously. All the ridiculous, useless, stupid crap they fill our minds with and no way to kill off the brain cells? How could we survive?”

Killing off the brain cells? Though it was unlikely Casey was thinking about death, his words made me think of nothing else. He continued to talk, but I was only partly listening. Remaining quiet, I kept my sight in the distance, staring absently into the trees of Norfolk Grove. Beyond the field of unkempt dying grass and weeds ahead of us, maybe 150 feet away, was a collection of oak trees, Norfolk’s idea for a forest. Their green leaves and thick branches had provided protection from the summer’s blazing sun, and seeing them I was reminded of how they had often provided escape, not just from the sun’s heat but from the reminders of what life was like outside the grove, a life in which rational thought was diminishing by the day. Though the sun was just as violent as any other August day, and escaping to their covering would bring a respite from the sweat that drenched our bodies under the open sky, I had little desire to move toward the trees as I was reminded of the teen not much older than me hanging by his neck from a rope attached to such a life-giving oak.

The photo had been all over the internet. His eyes were partly open, his face lightly blue. There was also a video recording, which was worse, depending on who you asked. Those who had done it, the ones who had beaten the kid to near death, the ones who had bound his hands behind him and strung him up, laughed and shouted, their heads covered by black ski masks, their voices suggesting youth not much different in age. The boy, supposedly a religious freak, was said to have had different social and political views than the rest. He was apparently intolerant and, because of this, he was killed by the tolerant who couldn’t tolerate him. Funny thing, though I didn’t believe in any religion or weird fantasy stuff, my views weren’t much different from his.

As I watched the scene unfold in my mind, the boy’s hanging body was replaced with mine – my lifeless eyes, my face blue, my body unmoving. Had I lived somewhere else, the boy could have easily been me. In Norfolk, it was still safe, but I didn’t expect that to last long. The heat between the political parties was rising, and it would be no surprise if it soon rivaled that of our summer sun. But I wasn’t afraid of dying. No, I wanted it. Maybe not hanging by a noose, but by some other means, some way of escaping the futility of life that was worsening by the day. Our high school had taught us that life’s meaning was found in having success, being happy, and changing our world for the better. Anyone with a functioning brain cell could tell you this was all relative. Success had no end, and everyone defined it differently. What determined a change for the better was also perceived differently, evidenced by the hanging boy. And being happy? What was the point? To live out our lives with less pain, waiting for death as the world went to hell?

About the Author

Nathan Edmundson has lived in many states throughout his lifetime but is currently residing in Tyler, Texas and hopes to stay put. When not writing, he works as a psychologist and enjoys nutrition and fitness, traveling, spending time with friends and family, serving with his church, and eating at restaurants he hasn’t yet visited.



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The Savior of Norfolk by Nathan J. Edmundson #promo #christian #youngadult #yafantasy #fantasy #rabtbooktours @saviorofnorfolk @RABTBookTours

Christian Young Adult Fantasy

Date Published: November 2023



A vanishing boy, human-animal hybrids, and the grisly murder of one’s peers are a lot to handle. Existing in two worlds, being hunted by your town’s killer, and nearly dying every day doesn’t make it any easier. For 15-year-old Stephen Benson, all of this has become normal, managing one life as a town outcast and another as a fantasy land hero. Hopeless and depressed, will he overcome his inner demons and the outer evil hounding his spirit? Will he listen to the child-penguin fairy? Will he save the girl he loves and prevent the slaughter of more teens? 

The Savior of Norfolk is set in the not-too-distant future when America has been divided by political and ideological hate. It is a fresh take on understanding the purpose of existence and suffering and wrestles with a spiritual understanding of reality.

About the Author

Nathan Edmundson has lived in many states throughout his lifetime but is currently residing in Tyler, Texas and hopes to stay put. When not writing, he works as a psychologist and enjoys nutrition and fitness, traveling, spending time with friends and family, serving with his church, and eating at restaurants he hasn’t yet visited.



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Animalia by Shauna C. Murphy #promo #releaseday #youngadult #yafantasy #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours

Young Adult / Fantasy

Date Published: November 11, 2023


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On an icy peninsula in Norway, there is a school where select students from around the world are taught the secrets of the Victorian-era world.

The school’s programs are:

Apothecary – for pharmacists

Warbringer – for warriors

Machinist – for inventors

Artisan – for artists

Animalia – for animalists


Thirteen-year-old Sunday Gråe wants to follow in her late father’s footsteps and become Animalia – the way of working with animals’ unique abilities that is taught only at the prestigious and secretive Svalbard School. Sunday’s dreams come true when she is admitted, but the
school is more dangerous than she thought. The Animalia students are mysteriously going missing… and she could be next.

The Golden Compass meets Enola Holmes in this fantasy and mystery. 

Light fantasy elements paint an alternate Victorian era that features students from all around the world working toward altruistic goals (conservation, art, justice, innovation, health, etc) and takes a grounded approach to a universal magic we’ve all felt in our everyday lives – connection to animals and the natural world.

About the Author

Shauna C. Murphy spent her school years in Los Angeles, surrounded by theatre. She spent her summers in the country, exploring the outdoors, and developed a love for nature, hidden wonders, and stories that encourage hope.


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Amansun the Dragon Prince by Vincent Robinson #promo #youngadult #yafantasy #mythical #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours

Amansun the Dragon Prince – Vol. 1


Young Adult Fantasy / Mythical

Date Published: February 17, 2023

Publisher: Gatekeeper Press


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High up in the Smoky Black Mountains, Amansun and his family live among the
great colony of dragons who call the steep and jagged mountain range home.
Though Amansun is the eldest of his dragon clutch, he often feels like an
outcast, and he spends most of his time venturing to the Great Forest up
North, where he finds peace and solitude. His life is one dreary day after
another—until one day when he sets into motion something that impacts
the entire colony, putting him and his family at odds with the rest of the

The elders of the colony decide to send Amansun on a perilous quest to
remedy his mistake, but there is little hope he will succeed. Along the way,
he encounters elves, dwarves, stone trolls, and centaurs, all of whom choose
to either help or hinder in his quest; he travels farther than he thought
possible, across the Barren Plains, past the Old Great Forest, and to a
mysterious and dark final destination; and he faces questions about his
morals and his place in the world.

All mysteries will be answered along the way, and a prophecy of old may
even prove to be true. Only time will tell.

About the Author

Vince Robinson grew up in a small sugar cane plantation village called Makaweli (Pakala to the locals) on the island of Kauai. When he wasn’t surfing or hiking in the great outdoors, he spent his time reading and re-reading The Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles of Narnia, and other fantasy classics. This love of fantasy stayed with him as he grew up, and it is what inspired him to write high fantasy novels like Amansun the Dragon Prince today. Vince has since moved to Arizona with his wife, Ji, and small dog, Tipsy, where they can be closer to all their children and grandchildren. He receives inspiration for his stories from going outdoors, traveling, and spending time with family and friends. –This text refers to the hardcover edition.


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Heart of the Storm by Valerie Storm #promo #releaseday #youngadult #fantasy #yafantasy #giveaway #rabtbooktours @Valerie_Storm @RABTBookTours

 Demon Storm, Book 4


YA Fantasy

Date Published: 09-13-2023

Publisher: Shadow Spark Publishing


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More than night terrors keep Kari awake at night. Ari languishes beside her, broken by the horrors Raven bestowed upon him.

She hopes he heals, and soon.

When a familiar presence and an unexplainable human with magic happen upon their doorstep, Kari and Ari make a decision: leave Raziac Village in search of answers and a new home.

But the heart eater waits for them.


About the Author

Valerie Storm was raised in Tucson, Arizona. Growing up, she fell in love with everything fantasy. When she wasn’t playing video games, she was writing. By age ten, she began to write her own stories as a way to escape reality. When these stories became a full-length series, she considered the path to sharing with other children & children-at/heart looking for a place to call home.


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Sprinkle Drifter by Elaine Medline #promo #middlegrade #youngadult #fantasy #yafantasy #rabtbooktours @RABTBookTours

A Beautiful Fantasy Adventure (Trials of Tweed Book 1)


Middle Grade / Young Adult Fantasy

Date Published: May 5, 2023

Publisher: Granite Wings Inc.


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Two continents. Two opposing cultures. And a girl trying to find her place in a divided world.


Tweed Resin-Nor is restless. She’s desperate to experience life beyond her farmhouse. When given a chance to leave behind her dreary existence, the sixteen-year-old boards a schooner to a foreboding wall in the middle of the ocean. Will Tweed’s voyage grant her the knowledge and excitement she craves, or will it lead to her capture?

Traveling to faraway places, Tweed discovers ominous secrets and forgotten injustices. She forges deep friendship bonds, but some regard her as a threat. In her words, she’s “the star and the scourge, the entertainment, and a monstrous surprise.”

Her father was born in the rural landmass of Myot. Her mother hails from the modern continent known as Serrel. As Tweed attempts to forge an identity of her own, she’s forced by the authorities to choose between being Myota or Serrelin. It’s an impossible decision. Should she honor her dad or follow her mom? Which side of her is more her?


If you like riveting exploits in the face of unfair odds, hints of magic, and eye-opening plot twists, then you’ll love Elaine Medline’s emotional adventure. Join Tweed on her travels and buy Sprinkle Drifter today!


Sprinkle Drifter is the first book in the Trials of Tweed coming-of-age fantasy series. Book Two will be available in early 2024.


About the Author

Elaine Medline grew up in Toronto, Canada and now lives in the province of Québec with her husband and their dog named Zara. She has three wonderful adult children and three fantastic grandchildren. Her favorite hobbies are downhill skiing, swimming in lakes, and going on canoe trips. Elaine’s love of nature is weaved into all her writing. Retired from her career in health care, she has just released a Young Adult Fantasy novel entitled Sprinkle Drifter.


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